Chapters 400, 401, 402, 403, 404, 405, 406, 407, 408, 409, 410, 411, 412, 413, 414, 415 & 416: Untitled.

Happy Saturday!

I know I haven’t posted in a few weeks, and I do apologize for that. There’s no excuse for neglecting my blog, and all of you. 

I just don’t know if I want to continue this anymore. Do you ever have those times where you just feel like giving up? Giving up on your life, your work, your ideas, in favor of throwing in the towel? Sometimes it seems like there’s a mountain of things ahead of me, and I’m afraid that I won’t be able to figure it out. I’m afraid that once I start ‘climbing the mountain’, there will suddenly be and “avalanche”, and everything that has piled up will come crashing down on me.

And that’s a terrifying thing to think about. Especially as I near the end of my semester. I just feel like nothing I do is good enough when it comes to my work, yet I am content socially. I feel like I can’t have the best of both, even though I know that’s not at all true.

When I was stressed last year, I vented via this blog. And now….I don’t know if I can vent to it anymore. I know I can, but I feel like I’m being a burden to all of you readers. And I don’t want you to think I’m just a silly 19-year-old college student. I want to be seen as an adult, as someone you can trust and talk to here.

First, I need to trust myself, because I know I can do it. And it’s about damn time I start.

Sorry for the melancholy post, I just needed to vent a little bit.

But thanks for reading/listening 🙂

Hope you all have an amazing weekend! xxoo 

24 thoughts on “Chapters 400, 401, 402, 403, 404, 405, 406, 407, 408, 409, 410, 411, 412, 413, 414, 415 & 416: Untitled.

  1. Don’t call it “giving up.” If you’re tired of blogging redirect your energy and resources to other efforts. I’ll be happy to see you working toward something you enjoy and find fulfilling. 🙂


  2. Also this is my first posting to my blog in months and I was inspired by you 🌞to do so! So remember in blogging it is not the quantity of posts that counts it’s the quality! Blog when you are inspired to that’s when you will make your greatest impact!


  3. “First, I need to trust myself, because I know I can do it. And it’s about damn time I start.”
    Now it is wrong to to hit some one, but just think of a time of a butt slapping Ha ha
    It isn’t trying, it isn’t “I can do”. It is “YOU ARE doing it”
    Now vent all you want we all need that on times. we here to listen and maybe even able to give advice. What is wrong with that.
    Change your blog or how you write.
    Instead of every day chapters write about accomplishments or have a rant. That way you can see you own progress as well. And doesn’t need to be every day.
    Pretty sure we will help you get up that mountain with a little butt kick on times.
    keep smiling and walk up proud for you are doing it.

    Don’t mind this old crow ha ha smile.


  4. Maybe your blog can take a different form than what it has taken for the last 416 days. Indeed, you don’t have to post every day, since it can take a lot of energy in that way.

    Overcommitment is a common problem in life, regardless of where you are. If your are feeling burdened, take time to consider what is the least economical option for your energy among the optional commitments, perhaps.

    And indeed, self-trust is where it all begins.


  5. Hey, girl, take it easy. There are times that we get tired of what we do, or the passion that we had at the beginning is not the same as now, but, I did not give up your blog, just take your time, if you need to get away from it for a while, just, do it. Don’t delete it, but write without pressure. Take a deep breath and continue.

    By the way, I was passing through the same some time ago. It is one year that I have my blog. I try to blog everyday, but, there are times that I get tired of doing it, or I don’t find a reason to continue. But, you know, I knew incredible people here, people that other way I did never know.

    Just take it easy, feel comfortable with what you do, no pressure.

    Much love. Hugs.


  6. Never think of “giving it up” because there is every possibility that you are touching the lives of thousands of people whom you will never meet and they are receiving a positive blessing from what you blog about.

    I have always thought that people do not just wake up one sweet day and decide they are going to blog.

    I think it is something from deep within . . . a “Calling” if you will.

    And there is no doubt that as you bless other people through the words you write, the great Universal River of Blessings will wash over your own life as well.

    No – – – do not give up!

    You have a great gift for communicating and for making others feel good about Life and about themselves.


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