Chapter 212: I’m A Sweetie, & So Are You!

Happy Friday (Again)

So, the amazing, beautiful, talented, (etc) blogger  nominated me for The Super Sweet Blogger Award!

Image Image

Receiving this made my really tough week a million times better, and made me feel great, and loved. So thank you again!

SO, apparently there are rules for when you get this award, and they are….

The rules to this award (for me and all nominees) are:

1. Thank the Super Sweet Blogger that nominated them

2. Answer five super sweet questions

3. Include the Super Sweet Blogging award image in your blog post

4. Nominate a baker’s dozen (13) other bloggers

5. Notify your nominees on their blog

Welp, here goes nothing!

Beginning with the questions…

1. Cookies or Cake? – Cookies, I love all kinds, but chocolate chip is my personal favorite

2. Chocolate or Vanilla? – Chocolate, hands down. YUM!

3. Favorite Sweet Treat? – ….this is a tough one. I adore Mint Chocolate Chip Ice Cream, Lemon Bars, Skittles, Marzipan….I’ll stop there, because I’ll keep listing things. Those are the first ones that come to mind though!

4. When do you crave sweet things the most? – Everyday really, I have a massive sweet tooth! Also, when I’m feeling down, or need a cheering up. Or late at night if I’m doing work!

5. Sweet Nickname? –  My family friend calls me Sammycakes, and some of my friends call me Butter (play on my last name), but that’s about it!

Next…The Nominees! (DRUMROLL PLEASE)

1. stressingoutstudent (They’ve been with me from the beginning, and they’re  amazing!)

2. smilecalm (Awesome, I adore their posts!)

3. talin401 (Beautful blog, and an amazing person!)

4. Valeriu D.G. Barbu (Huge supporter, and awesome writer!)

5. archecotech (Stunning photographer :))

6. johngalt (Incredible blog!)

7. Opinionated Man (AWESOME, amazing writer!)

8. bluchickenninja (Fellow Tumblr user, kick-ass blogger and vlogger!)

9. MustardSeedBudget (Amazing blog :))

10. Akanksha (one of my first followers, amazing person!)

11. The CoF (GORGEOUS fashion blog, stunning!)

12. chrismcmullen (Interesting blog, awesome person!)

13. whysamiam (Awesome blog, and a fellow “Sam” :D)

….So that’s it! Thank you all so much for supporting me, and being amazing!

All My Love, xxoo


14 thoughts on “Chapter 212: I’m A Sweetie, & So Are You!

  1. Pingback: Mr. DeMille, I’m Ready for My Close-up [Goddammit, Not That Close] | Stressing Out College

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