Chapter 516: Lost Time & Poems

Happy Tuesday!

I know I’ve been away for a while, life snuck up on me and I’ve been trying to catch up. 

But, I wanted to share a poem with you, and I wanted to get your feedback. 

So please let me know what you think, and I’ll try to start posting again (hopefully tomorrow)

Have an awesome day! xxoo

What Did You Expect?

They say that beauty is skin deep

Spotless, unblemished, clean

Yet, if you dig deep enough

You will soon learn that I am none of those things, and never have been

My skin is like the cracks in the wall of your room

You know it’s there, but you don’t want to acknowledge it

For fear of what could be the behind the lines

Hazy memories of white walls and obnoxious machines, telling you that I’m still alive

Am I what you expected me to be?

Across my back and front, faded now

Jagged, abstract lines

Stitched up with problems and diagnoses

I am what you wouldn’t expect me to be, a stitched up shell of what I once was

Some would say new and improved, but I don’t know if I see it that way

Not yet anyway, but considering it’s my own skin, I’m not surprised

They say that beauty is only skin deep

And for what it’s worth, I can’t honestly say I’d agree

Because what I’ve discovered is that the things that are under the skin

Are much more interesting, but I would agree with one thing about the skin

It can be beautiful, but sometimes at the price of a procedure

They also say that beauty is in the eye of the beholder

But if it was up to me, I might want to change my concept of beauty

To include my own

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