Chapter 262: 31 Day Blogging Challenge, Day 14

Happy Friday!

Today is Day 14 of the 31-Day Blogging Challenge, which means I’ve hit the 2-week mark! I’m pretty excited about this, because I’m about halfway finished with the whole challenge! 


So, today’s challenge is…”If You Won The Lottery”. 

This is actually an interesting question, because my family and I discuss what we would do if we won!

If I won a major amount of money…

I’d probably first pay off my college tuition/loans, because that would relieve my parents of having to pay for it

Fix up my car (I had a minor accident a few weeks ago, which resulted in it needed to be fixed) OR lease/buy a new car (nothing too crazy!)

Buy a new iPod/vinyls

Give money to family/friends (depending on the amount)

Buy a ton of chocolate/other candy

Give some to charities

Pay off my parent’s mortgage/other expenses

Buy a ticket to either California/London/anywhere

Travel (based on the previous idea)

Buy a lot of books/movies

Upgrade my blog to the “Premium” account

….and that’s all I can think of at the moment! So, Day 14: Completed! 

So, what would you do if you won the lottery?

Hope you have a great weekend! xxoo

14 thoughts on “Chapter 262: 31 Day Blogging Challenge, Day 14

  1. I think about this a lot, probably on a weekly basis. And this is what I decided:
    Buy a house for me and my kids.
    Buy a house for my dear friend Gerri in Sydney where houses are v. expensive.
    Buy a house for my dear friend Sean in Tokyo where houses are v. expensive.
    Give a massive party for everyone I know.
    Give up my job and start a creative business with my dearest friend Tracey where we can have fun making stuff and be surrounded by beautiful things everyday!


  2. I would hopefully keep myself from wasting it, invest a safe percentage of the yearly payout/lump sum and hide a good sum away, and if I can nail the first two, be the stay at home dad I’ve always wanted to be 🙂


  3. Reblogged this on jennifersivec and commented:
    I love this idea about the 31 Day blogging challenge. I think I”m going to do it. I don’t know that I can do 31 days in a row, but I love the challenge so I will do my best. I believe that I already did step one in my original post and the picture is fairly recent, but I will post a more recent one just for fun. I think I am going to skip to day 2 🙂 Thank you Samantha for sharing this!!


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