Chapter 256: Always Here

Happy Sunday! (again)

The amazing, wonderful blogger belsbror nominated me for the “Always Here If You Need Me” Award! Thank you so much for the nomination, and thank you for always being there for me 🙂 xxoo


This blog award is for those bloggers out there who are especially caring and loyal to their friends. I’m honored to have been nominated 🙂

SO, the rules are…

  • Post a picture of the award somewhere on your blog. (Check!)
  • List five things that make you happy. (Check x5)
  • Choose 5 people to nominate who have been a virtual shoulder to cry on, checked in on you when they knew things were rough, or has always been there for you. (Check x5)
  • Comment on their blogs to thank them and let them know you nominated you. (Check)

Okay, five things that make me happy…. (this is going to be hard)

  1. My family/friends (and my dog!)
  2. Music
  3. Chocolate
  4. Books (reading in general)
  5. My blog (and all of you!)


  1. Creative Mysteries
  2. A.Keeney Author
  3. Seán Cooke
  4. ambitiouspoet
  5. StephiaMadelyne

Congrats to the nominees, and thank you again for the nomination! 

Have a great day! xxoo


6 thoughts on “Chapter 256: Always Here

  1. Pingback: The Always Here If You Need Me Award | Creative Mysteries

  2. Pingback: “Always there for me” Award | Ambitious Poet

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