Chapter 253: Awards

Happy Saturday!

So the amazing blogger Ajaytao2010 nominated me for The Wonderful Bouquet of Awards, which is amazing. Thank you very much. However, I am only going to choose 1 award (instead of 3), because of technical issues. I hope that’s alright, and thank so you much again for the nomination:) xxoo

So, the award I chose was the, I Am Part Of The WordPress Family Award. Since I started my blog in October, I’ve been so lucky to be part of this community, and the amazing people who have made me feel part of a family. So thank you!


Here are the rules:

  1. Visit and thank the blogger who nominated you and link him/her to your blog. (Check, and thank you again)

2-Nominate 10 other bloggers. (Check x10)

3-Copy, paste the award logo on your blog. (Check)

4-Answer the questions given. (Check x10)

First, the questions!

  1. What is the meaning of life? 42?  I’m not sure really, I think it varies for every individual 🙂
  2. What is happiness all about? Being happy with who you are, and being with people who make you happy!
  3. Why did you start a blog? Because I wanted a way to share my thoughts and feelings.
  4. What is more important in your life: relationships or fame? Relationships, especially loving ones with my family and friends
  5. What is the one thing you like about blogging? Having people share their own stories/ideas with me 🙂
  6. What is the best decision you ever made? So far, deciding to start this blog
  7. Do you believe that unconditional love really exists in any kind of relationship? Yes, I think it exists between parents and their children (in most cases)
  8. Do you believe in Karma? If yes then what  are the good and bad Karma according to you? Kind of…I believe that it exists, but I’m not sure what defines “Good” or “Bad” Karma.
  9. Do you believe in rebirth or afterlife? If yes, then why? I don’t know! At the current moment, no. But I could change my mind in the future.
  10. What is the best moment of your life? ….I honestly cannot think of just one! My little sister being born is one of them, getting into college, turning 18….those are the top moments I can think of right now!


  1. belsbror
  2. Ido Lanuel
  3. ambitiouspoet
  4. stressingoutstudent
  5. veraiconica
  6. jacquelinemhadel
  7. Gina left the mall
  8. talin401
  9. Opinionated Man
  10. rjkeith

So, there you go! Thank you again for the nomination, it means so much to me!

Have a great day! xxoo

12 thoughts on “Chapter 253: Awards

  1. I have a question, am I supposed to answer the same questions as your nominator gave you and pass that on to my nominees or answer the same questions and make up ten questions for them? (Sorry, I just want to do this award properly)


  2. Pingback: I Am Part Of The WordPress Family | Ambitious Poet

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